Wednesday 29 August 2012

18 Again Vagina Cream?

Twice in one day, I must be on a roll. 

Does having sex feel like throwing a hotdog down a hallway? Fear not! An Indian pharmaceutical company hawking a new vaginal tightening gel called "18 Again", which promises to whip aging lady parts back into shape, all under the guise of female empowerment.

In the YouTube ad , an Indian woman lures a man onto a dance floor, loosely stealing lines from Madonna’s “Like a Virgin,” as the couple purrs that it “feels like the very first time.” 

On its website, the company boasts that in addition to tightening, the gel also “helps prevent infections, encourages natural lubrication, masks foul odor, reduces involuntary urine escape,” amongst other surprising effects which are "clinically proven". 

The gel is manufactured by pharmaceutical company Ultratech India. Its all-natural ingredients include aloe vera, Vitamin E and pomegranate.

The company’s website features an impressive FAQ section, including an explainer on how to determine if “you have loose vagina.”

Read more here I could not make this up. I swear. I would love to read some reviews on this one.

Significant Details: Jamaican distributors of NYX Cosmetics, Sleek MakeUp, Elf Cosmetics & fine fashion accessories for men & women. 

Shop #34 Pulse Complex, 38A Trafalgar Road, Kingston 10. Open Mon - Sat; 11 am - 7pm. 876-906-5474

1 comment:

  1. LOL hotdog down a hallway... lone Yonder, she can't swear at all. Scoobay!


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